Chin Pey Ting

Architectural Designer



Currently located at Penang, Malaysia
Hobbies at Reading
Speaks English, Malay, Chinese


“angkasa-lab” to mean “outer space” is our ethos that design should not be restricted to the norm or to the standard; and our imagination runs freely, as ever-reaching, like the universe. Thus, we take pride in experimenting with ideas that are ‘out of this world’ to reshape the world we live in. We attempt to redefine the understanding of Malaysian architecture by allowing ourselves to think critically: “Why must we conform to the standard building of architecture?”, “Should architecture be built like this?”. We firmly believe that good design can influence and improve the wellbeing of people. Whether it is psychological, physiological, economical, humanities, or community building; a good piece of architecture can stimulate these influences in people. we’re working for a change, and that change starts now. angkasa-lab,马来语直译为外太空实验室,是两个九零后的建筑设计师对建筑设计的态度,即是相信建筑设计的天马行空不该被各种设限,而疯狂的想法总得被反复试验进而得出最佳结果。 我们满怀热血的想要给过于固化的马来西亚建筑设计思想注入哪怕一点点的脱序,让固定的认知产生一些疑问句 “这种建筑一定是这样的吗” “原来还可以这样啊” ,让马来西亚建筑能更加百花齐放。 我们执着地相信一个好的建筑是可以发生一些在地影响、并某些程度上改善人们的生活,不管是心理层面、生理层面、经济活动、人文科学、还是社区营造,透过建筑激发民众对于好的建筑的认可。 改变从来不是一朝一夕,而是滴水穿石。我们的改变,从这里开始。