Scholars' Alliance Training & Consultancy

Education and Training

Digital Badges / Credentials

A digital badge is a virtual credential that signifies skills, knowledge, or abilities. It is a web-based, clickable icon that contains information such as the issuing institution, date of issuance, and the specific skill or credential earned.
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Venkat V.M. Lingam
Consultant, Trainer & Life Coach

Project Management

The course on Project Management covers essential aspects such as planning, defining scope, budgeting, time management, organizational skills, communication, leadership, risk management, and contingency planning
Posted by
Venkat V.M. Lingam
Consultant, Trainer & Life Coach

Leadership & People Management Courses

Our transformative core program is Emotional Intelligence and every program we produce have Emotional Intelligence entrenched in it – leadership programs, people management, managing change, managing teams, sales success and much more.
Posted by
Venkat V.M. Lingam
Consultant, Trainer & Life Coach