Nikki Beh

Health and Wellness

CordyMax CS-4 (Cordyceps Sinesis Mushroom)

CordyMax Cs-4 standarises extract of Cordyceps Sinesis mushroom to promote stamina & vitality while reducing fatigue. Can be used by healthy adults, elderly, active n sedentary individuals. part of Healthy Glucose Pack. Great solution for those who cough at night.
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Nikki Beh
DNA tests, Integrated Beauty & Wellness

G3 Superfruit Juice (Gac, Siberian Pineapple, Wolfberry, Cili Fruit)

1st available gâc superfruit juice. Improves antioxidant score. Fortifies antioxidant defence. Supports overall immune system, skin health & eye health. Suitable 9mth above.
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Nikki Beh
DNA tests, Integrated Beauty & Wellness

TeGreen 97 (Pure Green Tea extract)

TeGreen 97 provides potent antioxidants, supports healthy cell function, helps protect cell structures (DNA), increases body metabolic rate. Contains 97% polyphenols with 65% catechins. Caffeine frew green tea. 1 capsule = 7 cups green tea minus the caffeine
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Nikki Beh
DNA tests, Integrated Beauty & Wellness

LifePak (Comprehensive Nutritional Wellness)

Enjoy 7 benefits and more with LifePak. 1) supports complete nutrition 2)Cardiovascular Benefits 3) Complete Bone Nutrition 4) supports blood sugar metabolism 5) promote healthy immune function 6) Anti-aging formula 7)Raises antioxidant defence.
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Nikki Beh
DNA tests, Integrated Beauty & Wellness

BioPhotonic Scanner

Get your antioxidant score with Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner to see the level of nutrients absorbed by your body from your food and supplements if any. Book a group scanning session for your company or family. Exciting to see how your score improves over time.
Posted by
Nikki Beh
DNA tests, Integrated Beauty & Wellness